Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas is Coming...

Getting gifts for kids always makes Christmas just that much more enjoyable. In my family we have two kids, but when you start counting up the neices and nephews, that number rises to a 11 (ages 2-13). Trying to find the right gift is alway a challenge, especially with the ever changing taste of 10-13 year olds. It's funny how life repeats itself in different ways.

Just last week we had the opportunity to help Operation Christmas Child prepare shoeboxes of gifts for kids ages 2-14. We're not just talking 11 kids, but thousands upon thousands of children. The warehouse we were working at had pallets of shoebox gifts destined for children in Panama, Peru, the Philippines, China & Guyana. What an amazing site to see hundreds of pallets piled 5 ft. high with box after box of gifts. We're not just talking about toys, but also essential hygiene items that we often take for granted. We even heard the testimony of a 15 year old girl, who just ten years ago was a recipient of such a shoebox gift, and that day was there to help just as we were.

I can't think of a better way to celebrate Christmas and be reminded of the most precious gift of all, Jesus Christ, than to be a part of a ministry that brings joy and smiles to the faces of children all over the world. If you want more information about Operation Christmas Child check out their website by clicking on the OCC logo above.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Going into Overtime...

Friday, November 21 (10p to midnight), High School Revive goes into Overtime!

We have been talking about it for some time now. You have been praying for your friends. The time is here to give that extra effort and not just invite your friends--bring them this Friday night!

We have great food and fun games ready to go. We will give away a some T-shirts and a mini-fridge that night. Don't forget, we also have the Gladiator Joust available to challenge your friends.

Remember, this is your chance to open the doors of your church to your friends. You have the tools, you have the confidence, and I know that you can make it happen. What's gonna make this Overtime different? Everyone can come away a winner!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

November Calendars are available!

When you get your calendar in the mail, you may notice a certain theme to the month's activities--serve. Beginning on Saturday, Nov. 1, and continuing throughout the month, there will be opportunities to discover what you enjoy doing, and then serving God in that way.

This Saturday (Nov. 1; 9:30 am to 1:30 pm), we will assist with "Loaves & Fishes" which is a ministry of TFB to those in our neighborhood and community who need a little extra assistance. Later in the month (Wednesday, Nov. 26; 12 Noon to 7 pm), we will join with Samaritan's Purse--Operation Christmas Child--as they prepare shoeboxes for children all over the world. What a great way to kick off the holiday season of giving by giving of ourselves.

Take note also of some weekend fun for both Jr. High & High School. On Nov. 14, Jr. High Quest will host a Pizza & Movie night. As I said earlier, I'm open to your suggestions for what to show that night. Email me your ideas at For High School Revive, Nov. 21, will be an Overtime Outreach event right here at TFB from 10 pm to Midnight. We're working on making this a great time of fun and activities that you won't want to miss. Don't forget to invite your friends today and make plans to join us that night.

For those who missed out on some of the events in October, here are a few pictures for you to enjoy!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ready to lead?

We are about 35 days from selecting the next US President. The question of leadership is on many people's minds. What qualifications matter most? What issues are important for that president to have a grasp of? What do each of these men bring to the table? Who can I really trust? On Nov. 4, voters across the country will have reached answers to those questions and many more and have decided who shall lead.

The question I ask you to consider is this: am I a leader? With the focus on McCain & Obama, I think we forget that the responsibility that falls to each one of us, is to lead where and when we can. For our High School Students, I have challenged you to consider your leadership capabilities. I'm asking you to step up and be a leader. I understand some of the hesistancy and reluctance to make a committment to lead. Wearing the bulls-eye and shouldering the responsibility that comes with leadership is not always easy. Nevertheless, I believe in you!

I've been praying that this ministry will not just matter to the families of TFB, but to this community. The efforts of a handful of quality adult volunteers and myself are not enought for that to happen. Students like yourselves are a vital component to building a ministry that matters. I know you can do this--God has gifted you to serve Him. I hear students lament that they don't have a voice in what happens. Unfortunately, too often their voices are silenced by their own fears and self-doubt. I say, let your voice be heard and make a difference for God's Kingdom by being a leader in Crux Student Ministries!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Jr. High Quest is on the move...

Beginning Wednesday, September 24, Jr. High Quest will be moving from Thursday nights (7 pm to 8:30 pm) to Wednesday nights (6:30 pm to 8 pm). This move accomplishes a number of things. For families with students in both Children’s Ministries (Veggie Connections) and Jr. High (Quest), moving to Wednesday adds a measure of transportation convenience, as well as eliminating one more night out in the middle of the week. Also, Fridays have typically been days when tests take place and assignments are due. I have discovered that too often, a Thursday night meeting time was in conflict with preparation for school the next day, keeping students and their friends from being able to attend Quest. And finally, the new meeting times (6:30 pm to 8 pm) will assist in getting students home earlier on a school night—another added benefit.

I understand that for some families, changing their weekly routine will take some time, and that for some families, this change is a huge inconvenience. Please know thatI have weighed these considerations in deciding to make this change at this time. In the long run, I believe that this will not only benefit Jr. High Ministries, but bring continuity and excitement for students as they move from Children’s Ministries into Student Ministries in the years to come.

Please let your friends know about our NEW Night & Time! We don't want anyone to miss out on the exciting things to come!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bear Fruit!

Having spent many years living in California’s central valley, I have seen fields of fruits and vegetables dominate the landscape. Most memorable has always been the grapevines, particularly at harvest time when the fruit, hanging from the leafy vines, are unmistakable. Such images remind me of John 15 where Jesus once again, teaches spiritual truth in a most memorable way.

Jesus tells His followers that He is the vine and that it is important that they, the branches, bear fruit. He goes on to say that only the branches that stay connected to the vine can produce fruit (verse 4). This concept of basic gardening is not new or hard to understand for even the beginning gardener. The analogy continues in verse 5 where Jesus similarly states that the key to fruitfulness for us is connection to the true vine, Jesus Himself—“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

As you begin a new school year, I encourage you to “Bear Fruit”. Fruitfulness this year may come in the form of pointing friends to faith, serving our church and community or the evidence of the “fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5). Yet remember that fruitfulness will not occur without a solid connection to the true vine—Jesus.

Let me offer a final observation about grapevines. I’ve noticed that some fields have older vines with newer branches sprouting out from them. Then there are other fields with older vines where you can’t tell where the main vine ends and the branch begins. Clearly those branches have been connected to that vine for a long time and have begun to even look and feel like the main vine.

So as you strive to be fruit-bearing followers of Jesus, pray that your connection to Him will grow stronger each day and that you will be more like Him in every way. Pray that your time in God’s Word will not only be more of a priority, but that you will have greater understanding as you read. And pray that the “fruit of the Spirit” will be clearly evident in your life and that others will see Christ-like character developing in you.

[Remember that FREE YouthWalk Devotionals are available each month in the HS Room.]

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Servant Week & Magic Mountain

Summer camps have come and gone and it was amazing. Both camps focused on what it means to be a Christian, whether it was understanding our new identity in Christ or re-discovering the basic doctrines that are the foundation of the Christian faith. I really enjoyed the time to get to know some of you better and look forward to watching what God will continue to do in your lives as you apply the lessons you learned at camp.

Next week there will be no HS Revive or JH Quest in the evenings due to Vacation Bible School. However, we will meet Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday (July 15-17) for Servant Week. Each day from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm we will take a look at what Jesus taught about servanthood and then immediately go out and serve our church and our community. All you need to bring is your Bible, a water bottle, and lunch (or lunch $$). Come one or every day and you'll find the joy that comes with serving others.

Magic Mountain is just around the corner. On Tuesday, August 5, TFB Crux will head out for the day at the park. The cost is $25 ($5 if you have an annual pass). You must bring your money and sign-up by Thursday, July 31, so that we can make sure we have enough transportation for everyone. This is a great opportunity to bring your friends and introduce them to the ministry of TFB Crux and our great volunteer staff.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

BBQ & Movie Night

Come celebrate the end of another school year this Friday, June 20. Beginning at 6:30 pm join us for a FREE DINNER in the patio. We'll have good food and great music to start out the night. As the sun goes down, we'll turn the patio into an outdoor movie theater and watch how it all began with Raiders of the Lost Ark. Don't miss out on this summer kick-off event. Bring your friends and register them to win a free trip to Magic Mountain with TFB Crux on August 5th. When your friend wins, you win too! Let's see if we can fill the patio to overflowing with you and your friends!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Promotion Sunday

This Sunday (June 15) is Fathers Day AND Crux Promotion Sunday! For most of you nothing will really change. But for our 8th grade students and HS Seniors, it's a time to take that next step. Our 8th grade students will now join Revive High School Ministries and our graduating Seniors will help to launch NeXus College Ministries. In fact, Nexus will begin meeting this week as a Sunday morning class with Bob & Tricia Frueholz teaching a series on Defending your Faith. After joining all of Crux ministries for singing and announcements, NeXus will meet in the College Room (Room #229, formerly called the "Game Room"). Jr. High and High School will stay together in the High School Room through June & July as Pastor Jay teaches a series on How to Read the Bible for All its Worth.

This Sunday is also the final day for Summer Camp signups. If you or a friend are interested in going to camp, contact Pastor Jay ASAP.

Check your Crux Calendar for upcoming events and activities and bring your friends!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Calendars are here!

As promised, the long awaited Summer Calendar is finished and available. If you did not receive a calendar in the mail, that means we don't have your current address. Email TFB Crux Student Ministries at with your name, address, and grade level this fall, and we'll mail you a calendar and add you to our list for future mailings.

Remember, Jr. High is 6th-8th (in the fall), High School is 9th-12th (in the fall) and College is all High School grads. The senior class of 2008 can participate in HS activities during this final summer before college if they are actively involved in the NEW College Sunday morning class that begins June 15.

Make plans to be a part of an amazing summer together!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Summer Calendars

The anticipation is mounting, the wait is almost unbearable, how much longer can you hold on???

By Memorial Day weekend, you will have in your hands the Summer '08 Crux Calendar. In it you will find information about events from June through August, including times and costs. Your patience will be rewarded and before you know it, school will be out and the summer fun has begun.

Don't forget to register for camp. Jr. High heads up to Thousand Pines (June 22-27; $310) for The Reborn Identity. And High School makes their way south to Hume SD (June 29-July 4; $340) for The Rise of the Kinematics. Registration forms are available at church and require a $50 non-refundable deposit to hold you spot. Limited camp scholarships are also available (applications also available at church)--please apply, we'd love to be able to help.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring Break Refreshment

Welcome to Spring Break!

This week, ,TFB-Crux Student Ministries is hitting the road for our regular meeting times. On Tuesday (April 8-High School) and Thursday (April 10-Jr. High) we will meet at 7 pm to load the bus for a night at Starbucks & Cold Stone Creamery. DON'T BE LATE! We will return to the church at our regular ending time that night. If you are in town this week, bring a friend and join us for some spring time refreshement!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

CRUX is here!

Change: a: to make different in some particular (alter) b: to make radically different (transform) c: to give a different position, course, or direction to

All three of those definitions accurately describe what's going on at TFB Student Ministries these days. In some particular areas we are making minor changes, altering some facet of the ministry. In other instances, you may begin to see a radically different look and feel to the ministry that will be a complete transformation from what you may have once known about TFB. Of course new leadership, brings new direction which is already set in motion. With that being said, TFB Student Ministries will also be known as "CRUX" Student Ministries.

Crux: a vital, basic, decisive, or pivotal point

The adolescent years are such a critical time in everyone's life. At TFB we recognize how important it is for us as a ministry to come alongside students and their families as they navigate through adolescence into adulthood. For some the journey is difficult because of circumstances they face. For others the speed of life is so quick one doesn't have the time to simply enjoy being a kid. What I have discovered is that during this time of life, students make choices that not only impact their lives today, but choices that can also have lasting consequences beyond tomorrow. This is why Crux exists--to minister to students and their families during this pivotal point of life, introducing them to Jesus Christ and helping them discover how to be change agents for Him in an ever changing world!

Pastor Jay

Saturday, March 8, 2008

And we're off...

Hey everyone,

Thanks for making my first week at TFB great. I'm working at getting names and faces locked into my memory. Thanks for the patience as I'm learning who everyone is. For those of you who missed youth group this week, please fill out a yellow info card and let me take you picture so that we can update all the names and info for me and my leaders.

Speaking of leaders...make sure you give a great big "Thank You" to Jim and the rest of the crew who did an amazing job of holding down the fort during the transition time. They are great and I have enjoyed getting to know them better. If you don't know them yet, you're definitely missing out!

Don't forget to start bringing your friends as we gear up for a great spring and summer! Also, be on the lookout for information about summer camp in the coming weeks. I'm out for now, but please introduce yourself to me next time you're at church.

Pastor Jay

Thursday, February 14, 2008

March "Madness" is coming...

Hey everyone, Pastor Jay here. I was just telling Albert here how excited we are to be joining all of you very soon. It's going to be a bit crazy for a few months since Teresa, Allison & Jonathan will only be weekend warriors at TFB--that's where the madness comes into play for me. I'm sure it'll be OK, but while I'm separated from them, it gives me more time to get to know you. So once March hits, I'll be there ready to go and available to hang out. Give me a few weeks to get up to speed with the ministry, and before you know it, we'll be doing some exciting things and creating some amazing memories. Summer is fast approaching and with it a great chance to bring new friends to camp, Six Flags and who knows what else we'll dream up. Pray for TFB Student Ministries as we look to get ready for months to come. Keep praying for my family as we prepare our house to rent as well as for someone to rent it.


Pastor Jay

Pray For The Junior Highers

The JH leave for camp this weekend so let's be in prayer for them as they go. They won't be leaving until after school which means they will have to fight traffic that the HS group missed. The weather report says they have a chance of snow but otherwise it will be cold and clear. But more important than praying for light traffic or good weather is praying that their time with God and His Word would significantly impact their lives.

I heard their speaker Chris speak at camp two years ago and he is wonderful. Here's a guy with cerebral palsy (CP) who, despite some physical limitiations, is able to really speak from a position of experience on how faithful God is. I look forward for the stories the students will have to share when they get back. Hopefully, they will get some great pics too for our blog.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

We Have A New Youth Pastor!

In case you hadn't heard the good news, Jay Cordova was unanimously approved as our new Pastor of Student Ministries here at TFB. He will be starting his new position in just a few weeks, on March 1 and we will be looking forward to his arrival. Be in prayer for him and his family as they make the transition from Bakersfield to Torrance (Teresa and the kids won't be moving down the semester's over, though) and also as they begin their ministry with us. If you heard him in one of Saturday's sessions or perhaps even this morning, then you know that he is passionate about helping students develop a vibrant relationship with Christ, equipping them to transform their world for Jesus.

Stay tuned for a posting from the man himself as soon as we get him up to speed on our blog.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Come Meet Our Youth Pastor Candidate

In case you haven't heard, this Saturday (February 9th) we will get a chance to interact with Jay, our youth pastor candidate. The College-aged students will meet him for lunch while High School and Junior High students will get their turn during dinner at 5:30pm. Come bring your questions and be prepared to listen to the guy who will be, God willing, our next Youth Pastor. There are also some sessions for parents to come (without you) so if they didn't get the info letter, they should call the church office.

See ya Saturday!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Warrior Within

Hey Students! We're just now back from a great weekend of High School Winter Camp up at Thousand Pines Christian Conference Center. It was an incredible time of worship and play, God-focus and snow fun. This was the most snow we have ever seen at Thousand Pines and despite the cold and wet, we had soooo much fun playing Kajabi Kan Kan, flag football, sledding and having snowball fights. Some even played paintball and went off roading (although most in our group was satisfied by hanging out at the Malt Shop or the Undergroung Coffee). The musical worship was led by Israel Escamilla and Band while our speaker was Matt Radley. Our theme for the weekend, as mentioned in the title of this post, was The Warrior Within and our Biblical passage was taken from 2 Corinithians chapters 3 & 4. Throughout our chapel times we were encouraged by Matt to remember that

"We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies." 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 (New Living Translation (NLT) Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright © 1996, 2004 by Tyndale Charitable Trust. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers.)

Through the Scripture and also the stories he shared about his life, he reminded us that God gives us His incredible power and presence to overcome the difficulties we often face.

If you were one who was able to be there this weekend, I pray that the things we've heard and done will stay with us even now as we have come off the mountain. If you were unable to go, I suggest that you ask someone who did about how God spoke to them this weekend. Follow the flickr link on this page and see some of the action.