Tuesday, April 1, 2008

CRUX is here!

Change: a: to make different in some particular (alter) b: to make radically different (transform) c: to give a different position, course, or direction to

All three of those definitions accurately describe what's going on at TFB Student Ministries these days. In some particular areas we are making minor changes, altering some facet of the ministry. In other instances, you may begin to see a radically different look and feel to the ministry that will be a complete transformation from what you may have once known about TFB. Of course new leadership, brings new direction which is already set in motion. With that being said, TFB Student Ministries will also be known as "CRUX" Student Ministries.

Crux: a vital, basic, decisive, or pivotal point

The adolescent years are such a critical time in everyone's life. At TFB we recognize how important it is for us as a ministry to come alongside students and their families as they navigate through adolescence into adulthood. For some the journey is difficult because of circumstances they face. For others the speed of life is so quick one doesn't have the time to simply enjoy being a kid. What I have discovered is that during this time of life, students make choices that not only impact their lives today, but choices that can also have lasting consequences beyond tomorrow. This is why Crux exists--to minister to students and their families during this pivotal point of life, introducing them to Jesus Christ and helping them discover how to be change agents for Him in an ever changing world!

Pastor Jay


Anonymous said...

As one that has been through the Youth Ministry program at TFB I am really excited to see the new changes.

TFB Youth said...

Too bad you were an anonymous commenter -it's always good to know what our former students are up to. Hopefully, you are walking strong in the Lord.